Clinton becomes the first woman nominated for U.S. Office of President

Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton captured the Democrat party's nomination for the office of President of the United States on 26 February 2016 at the party's convention just before 8PM local time in Philadelphia. The roll for delegate votes was called state until the State of Vermont had cast its votes. Clinton's former opponent, Senator for Vermont Bernie Sanders, rose from where he was seated with his home state delegation, took the microphone in hand, and made a procedural motion. Sanders' moved to accept the role as submitted and further that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee for the historic nomination - a first by a major political party. Through his actions, the self-proclaimed democratic socialist - who has shaped the Democrat Party's platform to the most progressive ever - sealed the nomination with his imprimatur, hopefully bringing the fractured party together. And the ayes out-voiced the nays.